Three reasons to say OK to a different lifestyle

Ethically OK

We all love animals and we would never inten­tion­ally cause harm to them. Yet we pay others to enslave, mutilate, and kill them. We selected some species to share our lives and our homes with and chose to ignore the life values of others just because they look different. Whether calling an animal “pet” or “livestock” is simply a label, there is no real dif­fer­ence from their point of view between who is bred to be loved and who is bred to be killed. Both are sentient living beings, with their own per­son­al­ities, who feel pain, who love their families and cherish their lives just as we do. If we can live without ex­ploit­ing them, why wouldn’t we?

If you care about the animals, you can learn more about them here!

En­vi­ron­mentally OK

During the pro­duc­tion of 1 kilogram of beef 12 to 16 kilograms of plant material and approx. 15,000 liters of water is used (comparing to avg. 1800 liters to produce 1 kilogram of wheat and avg. 287 liters for potatoes). If we would directly consume the grain that we feed to animals, we could feed five times more people. A vegan uses 1/18th the land compared to a meat eater, while 91% of Amazon rainforest has been destroyed for animal agri­cul­ture. The animal agri­cul­ture industry is respon­sible for 40% more green­house gas emission than all the trans­por­tation sector combined (including road transport, railways, aviation, and shipping). By adapting to a plant-based diet we can reduce our e­col­o­gi­cal footprint to half, and we can do it today!

If you'd like to protect our planet, you'll find this interesting!

Healthwise OK

Whole food plant based diet is con­sid­ered healthy in all ages for all people by inter­na­tional dietetic asso­ci­a­tions and, as research proved, it can prevent or even reverse most of the leading causes of death. Many people are worried that it may be im­pos­si­ble to acquire every important nutrient when living on a solely plant based diet, however, if proper care is taken, we can we can have perfectly enough, even of those often con­sid­ered only available in animal products.
As a vegan, you don’t have to give up anything. You can prepare the vegan version of most of the food you know. Just search on google to find recipes.

If you are concerned about the health of yourself and your loved ones, this can be useful for you!

What is this all about?

Being vegan means that we live - as much as possible and practical - without animal exploi­ta­tion and animal abuse.

So why to be a vegan?

Whole food plant-based diet can be ben­e­fi­cial for your health and puts less burden on our planet Earth compared to the mass pro­duc­tion of livestock. We also avoid the usage of materials sourced from or tested on animals in our clothing, fur­nish­ing, personal hygiene, grooming, make-up and all other areas of our life. This way we can make sure that we don't support the exploi­ta­tion and suffering of animals.

Continue reading to find out more about the three reasons to say OK to veganism!

Learn more!

The links below can help you learn more details about the key reasons why millions switch to vegan lifestyle every year.

And if you are interested in how to do it you can find help here!

Ethical concerns

Dominion header


Dominion is a feature-length doc­u­men­tary presenting an un­com­pro­mis­ing, damning ex­plo­ration of the various ways animals are used and abused by humans, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the meat, dairy, egg, clothing and en­ter­tain­ment industries.
Filmed in Australia, ‘Dominion’ combines footage from handheld, hidden, and aerial drone cameras, much of it never seen before, to convey both the terrifying scale of an empire built on secrecy ­ and the individual stories of its victims.
Focusing on the legal, industry-standard practices that occur all over the world, the film questions the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom, advocating not for minor im­prove­ments to their welfare but for a deeper con­ver­sa­tion about our right to exploit those we deem inferior to ourselves.
(2018, 125 minutes)

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Narrated by Academy Award Nominee Joaquin Phoenix and featuring music by Moby, Earth­lings is a feature-length doc­u­men­tary about human­kind's absolute economic de­pend­ence on animals raised as pets, food, clothing, enter­tain­ment and sci­en­tif­ic research. Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, Earth­lings chron­i­cles the day-to-day practices at some of the largest in­dus­tries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. Powerful, inform­a­tive and thought-provoking, Earth­lings is by far the most com­pre­hen­sive doc­u­men­tary ever produced on the corre­la­tion between nature, animals and human economic interests.
(2005, 96 minutes)

BestSpeech header

The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear

Gary Yourofsky's entire inspi­ra­tional speech held at Georgia Tech in summer of 2010. Listen to this amazing speaker who will blow away the myths, fill your mind with inter­est­ing facts, and help you make ethical choices for a healthy heart and soul. His char­is­ma­tic and straight­for­ward style is one of a kind - a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place.
(70 minutes)

101 Reasons header

101 Reasons to Go Vegan

A humorous and honest look at diet and culture.
(68 minutes)


This Speech Is Your WAKE UP CALL!

A lecture about what we are doing to this planet, ourselves and our fellow Earth­lings.
"I want to ask you some questions that might make you feel defensive but will also make you question things you've always con­sid­ered to be 'normal'. I want to ask you to listen to this speech and hear a new per­spec­tive. Perhaps it will change your life, perhaps it won't, but I believe you deserve to know the truth. I know I'm very grateful to have learned it and now I want to share it with you. I think you'll be grateful, too." - James Aspey
(42 minutes)

Environmental concerns

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Yields and Land Use in Agriculture

This 2014 research provides lot of in­sight­ful details about how ag­ri­cul­tur­al yields and the area used by ag­ri­cul­ture changed in recent human history.
We can learn for example that while animal farming uses 77% of our total ag­ri­cul­ture land, it provides only 33% of our protein con­sump­tion and as little as 13% of our calorie re­quire­ment or for example that we have to use more than 1 m² of land to produce 1 gram of beef protein while the same amount can be produced on less than 0.02 m² in the form of rice.
This shows how in­ef­fi­cient it is to feed plant resources to animals instead of using it directly to feed the human pop­u­la­tion.

Cowspiracy header

The Sus­tain­a­bil­i­ty Secret

A ground­break­ing feature-length envi­ron­men­tal docu­mentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most de­struc­tive industry facing the planet today – and inves­ti­gates why the world’s leading envi­ron­men­tal organ­i­za­tions are too afraid to talk about it.
(2014, 85 minutes)

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Exploring the bi­o­phys­i­cal option space for feeding the world without de­for­est­a­tion

The pro­tec­tion of the remaining forests on Earth is a crucial challenge for our col­lec­tive future!
This research published in 2016 sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly combines 67 different sci­en­tif­i sources in order to examine which dietary choices are the best to protect the world’s remaining forests and what way we can secure our food supply in a way to make sure it stays sus­tain­a­ble by the year 2050.

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Number of animals killed for different food categories

Some people claim that fewer animals would be harmed if we consumed a diet containing large herbivores (like cattle) fed on pasture than if we consumed a vegan diet, because more wild animals would be killed in crop harvesting than in producing food from a ruminant-pasture-forage system.
While it is true that even a vegan diet can harm wild animals because of the harvesting and pest control, this analysis looks into the exact numbers to compare how many animal lives producing one million calories in different foods cost.

Health concerns

Forks Over Knives header

Forks Over Knives

This feature film examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degen­er­a­tive diseases that afflict us can be con­trol­led, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.
(2011, 96 minutes)

What the health header

What the health?

This docu­mentary follows intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the secret to pre­vent­ing and even reversing chronic diseases – and inves­ti­gates why the nation’s leading health organ­i­za­tions don’t want us to know about it.
(2017, 97 minutes)

NutritionFacts header

Find out what the latest science is saying about your favorite foods to help you make the health­i­est choices for you and your family.

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Phy­si­cians Committee for Re­spon­si­ble Medicine (PCRM)

The Phy­si­cians Committee is a non-profit research and advocacy or­gan­i­za­tion which combines the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 phy­si­cians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the world. Its primary ac­tiv­i­ties include em­pha­size­ing nutrition in medical education, con­duct­ing research into healthy diets and educating people about nutrition.
This website provides numerous research in fields such as Alzheimer's disease, cancerous illnesses, cho­les­ter­ol, diabetes, coronary heart disease or obesity and weight control.

ADAPTT header

Animals Deserve Absolute Pro­tec­tion Today and Tomorrow

ADAPTT provides in­for­ma­tion about veganism, and also provides a lot of helpful material on how to become and be a vegan, including dedicated sections about nutrition, pregnancy, children and athletes. The site also provides a selection of links in order to help you dive deeper into the topics that matter to you the most.

Medical research highlights

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics US header

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (US) on vegetarian diet

“It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (US) that ap­pro­pri­ate­ly planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nu­tri­tion­al­ly adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are ap­pro­pri­ate for in­di­vid­u­als during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and ad­o­les­cence, and for athletes.”

British Dietitians Association header

Position of the British Dietitians Association on plant based diets

“Well planned vegetarian [and strict-vegetarian] diets can be nutritious and healthy. They are associated with lower risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, certain cancers and lower cholesterol levels. This could be because such diets are lower in saturated fat, contain fewer calories and more fibre and phytonu­tri­ents / phytochem­i­cals (these can have protective properties) than non-vegetarian diets.”

Dietitian’s Association of Australia header

Position of the Dietitian’s As­so­ci­a­tion of Australia on vegan diets

”With planning, those following a vegan diet can cover all their nutrient bases, but there are some extra things to consider...” like iron, B12, calcium and Omega-3 fats.

Dietitians of Canada header

Healthy Eating Guidelines for Vegans from the Dietitians of Canada

”A healthy vegan diet has many health benefits including lower rates of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.” and “A healthy vegan diet can meet all your nutrient needs at any stage of life including when you are pregnant, breast­feed­ing or for older adults.”

PTE Táplálkozástudományi és Dietetikai Intézet header

University of Pécs: About plant based diet

An article published in the Hungarian Medical Journal (Orvosi Hetilap, 2016, Volume 157, Issue 47) by the Nu­tri­tion­al Science and Dietetics Institute of the University of Pécs draws these con­clu­sions:
”The plant-based diet differs from the fashion-diets because it con­sti­tutes a sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly sub­stan­ti­ated statement. As is apparent from this summary, the plant-based diet does not use "science" to justify its own statements, but the scientific statements justify the necessity of plant-based diets.”
”Car­di­o­vas­cu­lar and metabolic diseases developing due to obesity could be prevented by a properly compiled plant-based diet. For patients with cancer minimizing the intake of foods of animal origin – as opposed to plant-based ones – has proved to have positive effects. Our review suggests this diet can be used in a number of diseases and it also provides long-term sus­tain­a­ble solutions for the health care challenges of the newest era”
”Both for primary prevention and for the treatment of certain path­o­log­i­cal conditions (obesity, car­di­o­vas­cu­lar and tumor illnesses) provide an effective tool for the practicing physician and specialist. Ad­di­tion­al­ly in other path­o­log­i­cal conditions (eg hy­per­ten­sion, diabetes, os­te­o­po­ro­sis) as well it can be a mayor benefit to increase the preference of raw plant material in the diet in contrast to tra­di­tion­al foods of primarily animal origin.”

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Johns Hopkins School of Public Health: Im­pli­ca­tions of Meat Consumption

The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health is an institute of the Johns Hopkins University which is the oldest research university in the US and is ranked at the 10th or 13th place among the worlds uni­ver­si­ties. Their research results among other things state that:
“A strong body of scientific evidence links excess meat con­sump­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly of red and processed meat, with heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, and earlier death. Diets high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans can help prevent these diseases and promote health in a variety of ways.”

Low meat consumption increases life expectancy header

Does low meat con­sump­tion increase life expectancy in humans?

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition draws the following con­clu­sions among others:
“A very low meat intake was associated with a sig­nif­i­cant decrease in risk of death in 4 [of 6] studies,”
“Current pro­spec­tive cohort data from adults in North America and Europe raise the pos­si­bil­i­ty that a lifestyle pattern that includes a very low meat intake is associated with greater longevity.”

Low meat consumption increases life expectancy header

Effects of meat con­sump­tion in Harvard Health Pub­li­ca­tions

A study titled Cutting red meat-for a longer life published in the Harvard Health Pub­li­ca­tions draws the following con­clu­sions among others:
“It appears ‘healthy meat con­sump­tion’ has become an oxymoron [...] People in the study who ate the most red meat tended to die younger, and to die more often from car­di­o­vas­cu­lar disease and cancer. [...] even when the re­search­ers com­pen­sated for the effects of unhealthy lifestyle, mortality and meat remained associated.”

While another study titled Red meat and colon cancer says:
“A meta-analysis of 29 studies of meat con­sump­tion and colon cancer concluded that a high con­sump­tion of red meat increases risk by 28%, and a high con­sump­tion of processed meat increases risk by 20%.”

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk header

Meat Con­sump­tion and Cancer Risk

“Two themes con­sist­ently emerge from studies of cancer from many sites: vegetables and fruits help to reduce risk, while meat, animal products, and other fatty foods are frequently found to increase risk. […] Not surprisingly, vegetarians are at the lowest risk for cancer and have a sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced risk compared to meat-eaters.”

How to do it?

The pages listed below will help You to start the journey that leads to a more com­pas­sion­ate, more en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly and more healthy life for You and Your loved ones!

22 days challenge header

Let's try vegan for 22 days!

Are you ready for the Challenge? Join thousands of par­ti­ci­pants for a 22-day vegan ex­pe­ri­ence. You'll receive fabulous recipes and personal gui­dance from our mentors and clinical dietitians.

Cosmetics header

Vegan Cosmetics Guide

It’s becoming easier every day to find cruelty-free vegan beauty products that will keep you in style in a com­pas­sion­ate way. There is no reason to buy products that have been tested on animals or to support companies that are ex­ploit­ing animals to turn a profit. This page will help you to replace those products!

Starter Kit header

Vegan Starter Kit

Vegankit is an online all-in-one page for be­com­ing and staying vegan. It offers resources for vegans and people who want to know more about veganism collected into key areas.

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Crono­meter App

Crono­meter is a web and mobile ap­pli­ca­tion for tracking your nutrition and health data. They aim to provide a complete solution for the tracking and planing needs of the smart dieter.
Crono­meter can track 60+ nutrients for 7500+ foods together with your exercise log, bi­o­met­rics data and custom notes.
The main functions can be used for free with premium features available as a paid service.

HappyCow header

HappyCow App

HappyCow was founded in 1999 as a public service to assist travellers and people everywhere find plant-based, vegan options and healthy food. It has a great map based search interface which makes it easy to find the best vegan shops and res­tau­rants all around the world.
Beyond being a unique restaurant and health food store guide, HappyCow is an ever-evolving online hub that serves millions worldwide each month.

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PCRM Vegan Starter Kit

PCRM and their website has been introduced above already, however this or­gan­i­sa­tion not only provides numerous research col­lec­tions, but they provide practical advices as well. PCRM offers a very own Vegan Starter Kit which focuses on the healthy diet and makes rec­om­men­da­tions for diet planing based on scientific evidence.


Animals killed for food since opening this page:

Animals killed for food since opening this page: 0 

Scroll here!

The approximated numbers of animals killed worldwide by the meat, egg, and dairy industries - based on 2017, 2011 and 2013 data.

The killing of the animals in these categories are all resulting from deliberate action, not accidents or necessity. Just like the killings of the food industry, these deaths could be completely avoided as well.